Should I Call The Police After A Minor Fender Bender?

Charleston SC Attorney for Motor Vehicle Accidents

Without question, if you’re involved in a serious car accident, it’s a no-brainer—the police are notified and an insurance company will be involved. Yet, when a minor accident occurs, you might not know what to do. For instance, suppose you are in a bump up in a parking lot. There’s minimal damage to the vehicles involved, and there doesn’t appear to be any major injuries. Is a minor fender bender reason enough to call the police?

In short, South Carolina law requires that when an accident causes at least $1,000 worth of damage to vehicle(s), the police should be notified. This implies that if the accident produces less than $1,000 damage, if nobody has been injured and if each person has active insurance, there’s no need to contact police. The problem is—it’s often difficult to assess damage, and this can create confusion. For this reason, it’s better to err on the side of caution and notify the police if you are unsure.

It’s important to understand—calling the police is never considered the wrong thing to do. Even in cases of minor fender benders, police presence proves helpful, as they ensure that the right information is gathered and recorded. Additionally, they evaluate the scene and circumstances of the accident. This becomes critical in the event that a personal injury or damages claim is pursued. All this to say, while calling the police might not be required, it provides peace of mind concerning the often complex details associated with minor accidents.

Will I Need A Lawyer?

While it’s wise to call the police following a fender bender, it’s also a good idea to contact a reputable personal injury lawyer to be sure that you have someone on your side if and when you need someone to advocate for your rights.

The Taylor Anderson Law Firm continues to provide solid legal counsel to clients throughout Charleston, as well as West Ashley and James Island. With meticulous investigative skills and attention to detail, Taylor Anderson has become a trusted source for many in the aftermath of minor car accidents. Taylor considers all of the facts pertaining to your claim, so that you can move forward with clarity and confidence. To speak with Taylor directly, call the Taylor Anderson Law Firm to schedule a free consultation today.

Posted on behalf of Taylor Anderson Law Firm

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