Construction Defects

Construction Defects Charleston SC

A home is a long term and costly investment. With all the parties involved, building and remodeling a home can be overwhelming. Faulty design, defective materials, and faulty work can all lead to construction defects. Determining the nature of the defect and its location are both critical in determining the responsible party. Construction defects can be complex, but a construction defect lawyer can help to resolve the issue and protect your rights.

Types of Construction Defects

Courts separate construction defects into four distinct categories – design deficiencies, material deficiencies, construction deficiencies, and subsurface deficiencies.

Design Deficiencies: The design of your structure has a direct impact on its overall build quality. The design must follow specific codes and regulations to ensure proper construction and safety of the structure.

Material Deficiencies: The structure should be built with quality materials. The owner would not know if the contractor used poor materials until a deficiency presents itself.

Construction Deficiencies: Poor construction defects can lead to wood rot, electrical problems, roof leaks, and plumbing leaks.

Subsurface Deficiencies: Cracked foundations and other structural damage are the results of an unstable foundation. Cracking, shifting, and other issues may result if the contractor did not properly prepare the subsurface for the foundation.

Experienced Charleston Construction Defect Lawyer

A professional construction defect lawyer can help determine the best course of action. A lawyer can make sure the client follows the correct procedures when dealing with a defect claim. Taylor Anderson has extensive experience with construction defect claims and serves in both Georgia and South Carolina. Contact Taylor Anderson today if you want to know your rights.

Posted on behalf of Taylor Anderson Law Firm

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