Domestic Violence and Traumatic Brain Injury

Charleston SC Serious Bodily Injury Lawyers

When it comes to domestic violence, it is not confined to the poor, as noted by the Neurologic Rehabilitation Institute at Brookhaven Hospital. It occurs across every economic class, and involves men, women and children. Unfortunately, it is often a private issue that is kept secret. Even so, understanding the cumulative effect of domestic violence as it relates to traumatic brain injury, along with contributing factors and PTSD is needed to generate change nationwide.

To better understand the types of traumatic brain injuries, consider the following diffuse-type injuries, which involve the entire brain:

  • Concussion: classified as a mild head injury that may result in a temporary loss of consciousness.
  • Diffuse Axonal Injury (DAI): shearing and stretching of the nerve cells at the cellular level, as noted by the Mayfield Clinic. This type of injury occurs when the brain moves back and forth quickly inside the skull.
  • Traumatic Subarachnoid Hemorrhage (tSAH): bleeding within the space surrounding the brain, as a result of the tearing of small arteries.

When specific areas of the brain are injured, these injuries are classified as focal. Some are explained below:

  • Contusion: bruising to a particular area of the brain, typically from a forceful impact.
  • Hematoma: a blood clot that forms when a blood vessel ruptures.

It’s important to understand that when an individual sustains a traumatic brain injury or TBI, there are typically multiple brain injuries in multiple areas of the brain. Without question, this makes treatment complex. Even so, when domestic violence has resulted in a TBI, victims could face a lifetime of consequences, as well as ongoing medical treatment, rehabilitation, psychological therapy, loss of wages and even death.

If you or a loved one has suffered a serious or traumatic brain injury in a domestic violence or abuse situation in Charleston, West Ashley or James Island, SC, you need legal guidance from Attorney Taylor Anderson. While determining who’s at fault is important, Taylor understands that the basis of your case is best determined by the extent of your injury. Thus, while you recover, Taylor makes it his mission to understand your injuries and help you recover the compensation that you need and deserve.

For experienced and driven representation for your traumatic brain injury, contact The Taylor Anderson Law Firm in Charleston, SC today.

Posted on behalf of Taylor Anderson Law Firm

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