When A Loved One Becomes A Victim Of Nursing Home Neglect And Abuse

Charleston SC Lawyer for Elderly Neglect

The elderly are some of the most vulnerable, yet beloved members of society. Thus, when placing them in long-term residential care, families want to believe that they will be treated with dignity and care. Tragically, there are many cases in which healthcare and nursing home providers fail to provide appropriate care. From bedsores and ulcers, to malnutrition, dehydration, physical injury, poor hygiene, and even unexpected death, when a loved one becomes a victim of nursing home neglect and abuse, families need a trusted and experienced attorney on their side.

Often, when the elderly are neglected or abused, they do not speak up about it. Whether they are frightened, ashamed or threatened, they continue to withstand the harmful, cruel treatment. While physical manifestations of abuse are easier to spot, bullying and manipulation are less apparent. Thus, it’s important to gain an awareness of warning signs, such as regular slips and falls, wandering away from the nursing home facility, noticeable bruising or scarring, as well as the presence of fecal matter or impaction. Family members must also consider that another resident could abuse their loved one.

In order for a South Carolina nursing home to provide the minimal standard of care, they must meet a number of standards. Some of these include the ability to identify residents that might be tempted to wander off, and to accommodate these members by providing safe areas within the facility for them to wander to. They must also be willing to provide safe zones for elderly members to stop and rest, and these spaces need to be well lit and uncluttered. The basic needs of residents must be provided, including food, beverages and the opportunity to practice good oral hygiene, showers and baths, as well as pain management for those that require it.

Without question, the responsibilities of nursing home facilities are tremendous, and that is why it is vital that they are sufficiently staffed and well trained in providing personalized care for residents.

Contact The Taylor Anderson Law Firm Today

If you suspect that a family member or loved one is being abused or neglected in a South Carolina nursing home, it is imperative to document what happened and contact an attorney that understands how to help. Attorney Taylor Anderson at The Taylor Anderson Law Firm is well equipped to advocate on behalf of residents and their families reeling from the effects of nursing home neglect and abuse.

To schedule a free consultation, contact The Taylor Anderson Law Firm in Charleston today.

Posted on behalf of Taylor Anderson Law Firm

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