What If I Become Injured by a Defective Holiday Gift?

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Everyone loves to receive gifts during the holiday season, especially when the item is something unique and useful. But what happens when you or a loved one uses your new gift and sustains an injury? This tragic circumstance happens more than most people realize. Of course, getting the necessary medical attention is your first priority. But the question must be asked, was the product defective? The Taylor Anderson Law Firm of Charleston, South Carolina, can provide assistance in these unfortunate cases.

What Determines a Defective Product?

Defective products are classified in three categories to better determine the liability for their failure. A product can be considered defective is it has the following:

  • Manufacturing Defects – A manufacturing defect happens while the product is in the manufacturing process. Something happens to change the product, making it unsafe or unable to be used.
  • Design Flaws – A design flaw is an error that slips through initial product testing and is allowed to become part of the manufactured product. It affects the entire line of products.
  • Inadequate Warnings – When the manufacturer is aware of a potentially harmful product, they are required to provide warnings to consumers. This is usually by placing a flyer in packaging or a sticker on the actual product, warning of the dangers. If these are absent, it is considered a defective product.

Therefore, if you or a loved one were using a product in the way in which it was intended for use and sustained an injury, it could be because of a defective product. You should immediately consult with an experienced product liability attorney.

How Can I Get Help If I was Injured by a Defective Product?

According to federal and South Carolina laws, manufacturers are required to adequately test products to ensure they are safe for consumers to use. Only safe products are allowed to be released for sale to the public. And, if a particular product is discovered to be unsafe or hazardous after release to the public, it is the duty of the manufacturer to alert the public.

Regardless of these and numerous other guidelines, faulty products, dangerous toys, defective automotive parts and other unsafe items result in thousands of injuries every year. If you or a loved one were injured by a defective product you received as a gift over the holidays, you may be eligible to recover compensation from the manufacturer to cover the costs of medial treatment and other expenses.

Call the South Carolina offices of the Taylor Anderson Law Firm today to schedule your FREE initial consultation.

Posted on behalf of Taylor Anderson Law Firm

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